MiniBrowser 1.1

Free It remembers a region on a web page, by saving the scroll position
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Latest version:
1.1.81 See all
Eduardo Mancero
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Minibrowser is a web browser for the Sidebar. What sets it apart is it's ability to remember a region on a web page, by saving the scroll position and zoom factor whenever you set the home page. This effectively allows you to monitor virtually any area of any page while you work on other apps.

Comments (1)


Your vote:

This Gadget is the best way to display active web content on your Windows 7 Desktop. More stable than Active Desktop, that was lost on all OS's, after XP. More secure, because sidebar.exe can be sandboxed, isolating Gadgets (all of them, not just Minibrowser) from system files. I more often use minibrowser (it can handle multiple instances) than any other Windows 7 Gadget.

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  • Minibrowser gadget
  • Mini browser gadget
  • Minibrowser 0.7
  • Gadget browser
  • Widget minibrowser
  • Mini browser free download
  • Minibrowser 0.7 widget
  • Mini browser 0.7
  • Minibrowser gadget download